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Our district offices  are located in the Omni Business Centre on 300 West Broadway, Suite 1600. (For longtime C.B. residents, you will remember this as the Midlands Mall.) It is located one block east of the old district offices.

To get to the new offices, please follow the directions below:

Enter the parking garage from Kanesville Boulevard. Follow the directional signs and proceed right toward the designated visitor parking for the Council Bluffs Schools. There are designated handicap parking spaces near the walkways on the main level in the parking garage. There is a ramp down to the main entrance. The parking garage elevators are not operational.  All parking in the garage is free. Enter the building at Entrance B by walking down the stairs and in through the glass doors.  Once in the building, turn right. You will see the entrance to the District’s Educational Service Center.

Main office number: 712-328-6446.