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The Council Bluffs Community School District provides bus transportation for qualifying students. Our goal is to provide the safest possible transportation experience for your child.  First Student, Inc. is our long-time partner in providing this service to students in our district to and from school, on field trips, and to sporting events and activities. The District contracts transportation services with First Student and is fortunate to have an experienced team of drivers. First Student can be reached directly at 712-320-8999 For Elementary Students:

Who is Eligible to Ride the Bus at No Cost?

District policy 701.5 and Section 285.1 of the Iowa Code outline transportation privileges for students as follows:
• Eligible riders are defined as “Elementary students living two miles or more from school.”
• The two-mile limit is defined as being “from a point at the edge of the roadway nearest the front door of the residence measured to a point at the edge of the driveway nearest the front door of the school by the nearest and most safe traveled roadway.”
• A student may be required to catch the school bus on the approved route by walking up to three-fourths of a mile to a bus stop.
• Preschool students will not be transported to school on a bus unless they qualify for Special Education services.

Special Requests for Transportation

Due to hardship situations, students may need to be transported from/to an alternate address within the school’s attendance area. Examples of this may be when parents’ working hours are such that the student routinely must sleep at a relative’s or care provider’s residence or when the student is on an IEP (Individual Education Program) and is in need of adult supervision immediately before/after school. A letter of request must be sent to the principal for a “hardship exception,” and must be approved by the principal and the Transportation office before transportation will be provided.

A parent may request transportation of his/her student(s) from an address other than the home address. Students may be granted transportation privileges only after all eligible riders and hardship exceptions have been provided services.

Bus Safety Reminder

Please know that there is no supervision provided by the School District at bus stops. Parents are encouraged to arrange for students to walk to and from, and to wait at the bus stop with at least one other student. Once on the bus, the bus driver is charged with maintaining discipline. Students are expected to behave on the bus as they would in school, knowing that the Code of Conduct will be enforced. All buses are equipped with cameras as part of the safety efforts.
Questions? 328-6411 x 11245

Middle and High School Transportation Information School Bus Rules and Regulations

While riding school buses, all students will be subject to the District Code of Conduct, First Student regulations and the Iowa Department of Transportation regulations.

The following bus rules are in addition to the Code of Conduct and individual school expectations. Major infractions of the rules may result in removal from the bus for the remainder of the school year as approved by the school administrator.

  1. The driver is in full charge of the bus and its passengers.
  2. Students should be at their assigned stop at least five (5) minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the bus.
  3. While at the bus stop or pick up point, students MUST:
    1. Conduct themselves in an orderly manner.
    2. Respect the property and rights of others.
  4. Students shall take their seats promptly after boarding the bus. The driver may have assigned seats, and students must comply.  
  5. Students will remain in their seats while the bus is in motion.
  6. Students must not extend anything out the windows.
  7. While on the bus, students MUST NOT:
    1. Throw objects on the bus or out the bus windows.
    2. Disturb the driver.
    3. Litter on the bus.
    4. Use offensive or obscene language.
    5. Make loud or unnecessary noise.
    6. Transport items which may endanger the health or safety of other passengers.
    7. Tamper with the bus or bus equipment.
    8. Talk at railroad crossings.
    9. All electronic devices must remain on silent. Due to the noise level, talking on cell phones is not allowed. Use of earphones is permitted in only one ear. Because of privacy issues, taking pictures and/or videos of others is not permitted. The driver may take phones and parent(s) will have to pick up them up at the First Student Bus lot.
  8. Students must report to the driver any damage to seats or bus equipment.
  9. Students must never walk behind the bus. If students must cross the street, they will cross in front of the bus and at least 15 feet from the front of the bus upon a “thumbs up” signal given from the driver.
  10. The bus will NOT transport animals or insects.
Standard Student Consequences:
  1. First Violation:  Student warned by driver.  Administrators and parents are notified.  Depending on the nature of the violation, students may face other consequences as outlined in the Code of Conduct.
  2. Second Violation:  Administrators and parents are notified.  Students could be assigned a designated seat for up to one (1) week.  Depending on the nature of the violation, students may face other consequences as outlined in the Code of Conduct.
  3. Third Violation:  Administrators and parents are notified.  Student may lose riding privileges for up to five (5) attended school days (parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school). As soon as the student is permitted to ride the bus, the student is assigned a designated seat for two (2) weeks. Depending on the nature of the violation, students may face other consequences as outlined in the Code of Conduct.
  4. Fourth Violation:   Administrators and parents notified.  Student may lose riding privileges for up to ten (10) attended school days (parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school).   As soon as the student is permitted to ride the bus, the student is assigned a designated seat for two (2) weeks. Depending on the nature of the violation, students may face other consequences as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

The following are grounds for immediate revocation of bus riding privileges:

  • Assaults against other riders the driver or monitor
  • Verbal attacks or threats to the bus driver or monitor
  • Intentional damage to the school bus
  • Other acts that create an unsafe environment