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Accommodating Special Dietary Needs in the School Nutrition Program

Students who require modified school lunch menus due to a disability,  as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,  or life-threatening food allergies, are eligible for special accommodations.  USDA regulations require licensed medical physician statement that includes:

-the child’s disability

–an explanation of why the disability restricts the child’s diet

-the major life activity that is affected by the disability

-the food or foods to be omitted from the child’s diet, and the foodor choice of foods that must be substituted.

The attached form addresses the issues above and must be completed by a licensed medical physician. Completed forms should be submitted to the central Nutrition Services office at 801 South 16th Street.

For allergies that are not life-threatening, but are of concern and noted on a student’s school enrollment form,  a note will be placed on the student’s computerized lunch account. Students  will be discouraged from choosing the offending foods, but no substutiions will be made.

Students with an intolerance to fluid cow’s milk may receive soy milk or lactose-free milk as a substitute, with a parent’s written note submitted to the cafeteria manager.

Menus with carbohydrate counts are available each month to assist diabetic students in making daily food choices.  A physician note is not  required for this.

Questions regarding special dietary accommodations should be directed to the Nutrition Services office, 712-328-6420.

Requests for accommodations are to be renewed annually. 

Diet Modification Request Form


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